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Answers to frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate.
Topics of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are:


The Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate contains the hospitals in Rhineland-Palatinate.

Hospitals are listed that are required by law to submit so-called structured quality reports. The Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) determines which hospitals these are, and the highest body, among others. from doctors, hospitals and health insurance companies. The G-BA is guided by the requirements for "approved hospitals" according to the Social Code (SGB V, § 108).

Newly opened hospitals or hospitals that have been created through mergers or acquisitions are only included in the list when their first structured quality report is published. If there is no current quality report for a hospital, it is usually only displayed with basic data (contact details). Closed houses or houses intended to be closed are usually not displayed.

Hospitals according to this definition are strictly hospital locations. A hospital can have several locations, for which a separate quality report is created, which leads to a separate listing in this directory.

A hospital as an organizational unit can have several locations, i.e. spatially separate units with their own address.

Individual locations receive their own hospital pages in the Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate. If a hospital has several locations, a link "Further locations" appears on the hospital homepage, which can be used to switch to other locations of the same hospital.

The majority of the data shown in the Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate comes from the so-called "structured quality reports" for the most recent reporting year. Most German hospitals are legally obliged to publish these reports annually (reference list, more information:

The hospitals also have the option of storing their data in the Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate, e.g. Supplement with picture, portrait text and other information and update it continuously.

The Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate is essentially based on the structured quality reports of the hospitals and shows the data from the current reporting year.

However, since it takes around a year for the data to be published, the hospitals have the option of constantly updating part of the information in the Hospital directory Rhineland-Palatinate themselves. This applies in particular to contact details and a range of information on accessibility, facilities and service.

For better comparability, the quality data as well as the information on treated diseases (ICD) and treatments performed (OPS) for all hospitals refer uniformly to the most recent reporting year of the quality report.

Search result

For data protection reasons, hospitals are not allowed to state the exact number of cases for rarely treated diseases or rare treatments - this should make it impossible to trace back to specific patients. With case numbers (per ICD / OPS key) of 1 to 3 cases per year, the hospitals therefore report the blanket statement "data protection". This unspecific case information cannot be added in the German Hospital Directory.

By default, hospitals that perform treatment less than four times a year are not considered when searching for this disease / treatment. However, you have the option on the search results page to specifically display these hospitals. To do this, click on the link "Consider case numbers with 1 to 3 cases?" at the top right of the page (for desktop display).




Quality data

External comparative quality assurance, which is mandatory for hospitals, only includes a part of the numerous treatments and operations that are carried out there. A little more than 20 treatment areas plus numerous sub-areas are required by law as examples of quality assurance.

The quality data published by the hospitals in the structured quality reports are shown in the Saxony Hospital Register.

The individual quality features (so-called quality indicators) are combined into treatment areas (so-called service areas).

The Saxony Hospital Register attaches importance to a neutral presentation of the results of the data-supported cross-facility quality assurance according to § 136 SGB V. This applies in particular to quality results that are outside the reference range. The basis for the information "Quality target achieved" or "Quality target not achieved" is based solely on the evaluation in the statement procedure (formerly: structured dialogue).


The Saxony Hospital Register is based on the "German Hospital Register", which is published and administered by

Deutsche Krankenhaus TrustCenter und Informationsverarbeitung GmbH (DKTIG)

Humboldtstr. 9
04105 Leipzig
Tel: +49 341 308951-0

The shareholders of DKTIG are the Deutsche Krankenhausgesellschaft (DKG) and the 16 federal state hospital organizations.

The Saxony Hospital Register treats all hospitals equally and is absolutely neutral when it comes to the presentation of the hospitals and the order of the search results. The mathematical algorithms are transparent and the same for all hospitals.

The Saxony Hospital Register completely does not display advertisements and has no paid premium placements or other paid services that hospitals could book.

Every hospital has the same free opportunity to enrich its own data in the German Hospital Directory, which is the basis of the Saxony Hospital Register, e.g. by uploading a picture or entering a portrait text, and to constantly update contact data and other information.


On this website we have compiled extensive information on the possibilities and functions of the Saxony Hospital Register in the "Tips & Help" menu section.

You will find a description and help for individual search functions in the help area for the search functions, many questions are answered by the tips & tricks as well as the FAQ.

If this does not answer your question, please use the contact form.

The new Saxony Hospital Register as part of the German Hospital Directory was designed by the DKTIG ( in cooperation with representatives of the German Hospital Association (DKG) and the federal state hospital companies as well as with professional advice from the impressum health & science communication oHG (

The implementation (design, technical implementation, data processing, etc.) was carried out by the impressum health & science communication oHG.